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Reality Check

Reality Check

I was so excited to see Elton John Nov 4th, 2022. He was coming through Denver die to a Concert cancelation in Texas. The moon and the stars could not have aligned any better to Give me the opportunity to see a legend perform. This 

Starving? Nope….mind games.

Starving? Nope….mind games.

It hasn’t been a secret. This summer dietary intake was poor. I made a decision to reel myself in and make consciously better dietary choices. Along with being better aware what I was in taking, I have also been aware of how MUCH I have 

Girl Power ๐Ÿ’•

Girl Power ๐Ÿ’•

I can not stress the importance of surrounding yourself with other like minded individuals who are all striving to progress themselves and others forward in life. The power of surrounding yourself that uplift you and help you progress forward in life. Thr power of surrounding yourself with others who support each other’s causes. The power of allowing other people’s strengths grow your weaknesses and Vice versa. The only way to make strides toward success is to surround yourself with that mindset and more powerful mindsets than yourself.

I have spent the last decade “cleaning my Closet out.” I had to eliminate and/or reduce the time I was spending with individuals who were draining my energy and tolerating me instead of celebrating me. My energy was literally being drained to the point I was unable to move my personal self and businesses forward. I began reading books and listening to professionals who have attained what I am striving to obtain. The common theme? Energy maintenance.

I made up my mind I would no longer give and not receive. No matter how much I cared for someone, if they were taking more energy than was being returned, the time spent with that person was reduced or eliminated. If they wanted to remain part of my daily life, we had a conversation about my personal needs. If that person was willing to match my frequency, we remained on touch.

A great example is a friend who kept inviting me to her clothing parties. I would go and support every party I could. I ALWAYS made Purchases to support her small side hustle. I invited her (for years) to my events and it was one excuse after another as to why she didn’t respond to my invite (how rude!) and she never attended ANY of my events. I no longer support her events. I can not continuously give and not receive support in return. That is one way energy. No more giving energy without receiving energy in return. I am important and I value the person I am and what I have to offer the world โค๏ธ.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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NYE Resolutions 2023

NYE Resolutions 2023

This year for my birthday I just felt…out of place. I didn’t feel as cute or sassy. I felt fluffy and ran completely down- probably because I was๐Ÿคฃ. I wore all black because I felt it hid all the fluff better. I love color. Who 

Size 6 clearance dress

Size 6 clearance dress

I have a formal event I must attend with my husband in 3 weeks. After searching the internet, I FINALLY found a dress that I loved and would look AH-MAZING. This dress was on sale and was exactly what I was looking for. The only 



After our Skydive ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿฅณ

My BFF and I went skydiving on our girl’s trip and I have to tell the world that the moment you free fall out of the plane, you are reborn into a new individual. Boundaries are lifted, fear is myth and you know your world will be just fine.

The weight on my shoulders felt heavy prior to our trip. We have an upcoming event for our nonprofit which has yielded one mess after another. The fear of no one showing up to this extremely time consuming, expensive event is more than enough to make your tummy go into knots. The knowledge that you can put all of your hopes, dreams and desires into a single day along with multiple business meetings and hours of calling, planning, organizing, working, researching and pleading and may not have a SINGLE person show up to something that means so much to you can leave you feeling vulnerable and rejected. The MOMENT I rolled out of that plane 12,000 feet In the air, I KNEW all things happen as they should. There was this overwhelming feeling of power and calm. This event WILL work out and this WILL succeed. I just knew without a shadow of doubt that our organization will succeed and this event will be Fantastic. I KNEW it. All the stress that fell on my shoulders disappear In the air I was falling through.

I am not sure what makes anxiety such a real beast. My uneducated guess would be fear of failure. We just have time believe that all things happen as they should ๐Ÿ’•

Pure Bliss ๐Ÿ’•

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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Work, work, work…now time to play!

Work, work, work…now time to play!

I have been working so darn hard the last 3 months. Every day I have been getting up super early every morning, meditating, setting my intentions for my day, drink a cup of coffee, get showered,brush my teeth, put moisturizer on my face, head to 

530p quitting time

530p quitting time

This is the first year since my girls were born 4 and 3 years ago that I have had a few hours of time to myself 4 days a week. This year, both of my children were accepted to half day early education classes. Classes 

Post pregnancy woes

Post pregnancy woes

I absolutely hands down adore all 3 ofย  my children. When I think about my kids, they truly are the best pieces of me wrapped into human bodies. My son is a Senior in high school and my daughters are in pre-k.ย  I rarely get pics of my son- he is too busy for me ๐Ÿ˜†.

I don’t know where to start on having babies so close to 40. I am such a happier and at ease mom older than I was at 25. I wanted to be perfect with my son. I cautiously consistently/chronically washed his hands and made sure everything was all natural. I cooked his baby food and filtered his water. I obsessively changed his diaper. Looking back at how I mothered Jonathan makes me smile. I definitely give my girls more slack to develop and don’t helicopter parent them. I bounced back after my son physically at 25. Having children near 40, I had to get professional help for urinary incontinence, I got stretch marks in New places, my stomach never went back flat, and I often find myself pinching loose skin places on my body in the mirror. I don’t look in the mirror too long. I tend to start critiquing my body if I look at it too long. I find my critical nature uncalled for and know i brought 2 BEAUTIFUL souls into the world. The illogical side wants to resemble pre- geriatric pregnancy Candace (PPC). PPC had a flat stack, no stretch marks on her belly and feet that were 1/2 size smaller!

I continue to work out and try desperately to work on a stronger core with flatter belly. I had my incontinence fixed. My stretch marks had laser sessions/microneedling to minimize the appearance. I bought new shoes for my new larger feet. These things are the sacrifices I made for my **BEAUTIFUL** children. I feel blessed everyday to have them. I would have all of these issues again to have them. Truly I would. They are the best pieces of me. That doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with body image issues. I work weekly with a therapist to remain a positive light to myself and others. I have come to appreciate my body for the miracle maker it is and find peace in having my beautiful family ๐Ÿ’•.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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Make it spicy!!!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Make it spicy!!!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

When you are someone who is going through a self care/ self love journey, all details and decisions made within your life journey matter. I have spent years building routines and life hacks to get through almost ANY social situation doing limited dietary intake damage.